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[悉尼] 我们的童鞋被抢劫并且被殴打虐待到重伤在火车上,无人帮助,整个尽力请看最后link

发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
留学生为澳洲做了那么大的贡献 为什么一点权力都不给呢

来自 黄金兔子Gintama 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |

来自 ABC澳洲广播电台 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@JT-XI:no,they shouldn't if they look after themselves. they could have called the police when they saw the gang in Central, they could let the securities in Central speak to the gang. they could wait for the next train!

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
唉,到处都是激化的矛盾。。//@ABC澳洲广播电台: 多谢各位网友积极联系,目前澳广中文部主任方腾正在播音室采访@Xuan皓的朋友进一步了解事情经过。 //@Richard草:再转不评论@ABC澳洲广播电台 @澳洲千百度官方微博 @澳洲新南威尔士大学 @澳洲新快报 @澳洲的年轻时代 @留学梦_8090在澳洲 @陆克文议员

来自 榕rong2011 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
if they focus more on the local life they should know so if they are traveling at night they should be in the first carriage directly behind the driver. there may be a red bottom to press to let the driver know that there's something happening in the cart.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
they could call the police when they saw the gang in the station. they could let the security at the station know when they saw the gang. they could take the next train or take a cab!

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
暴力是绝对错误的,但这位说的也让人深思 When we said that they are racist, should we think about what we did wrong? When many chinese girls are carrying LV and Gucci bags of course they make people think 'Chinese are rich'. //@ABC澳洲广播电台: //@Richard草:

来自 Alicia-CSRAsia 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@JT-XI:they didn't called the police, they didn't tell the security. when they see something they didn't let who-so-ever that's in charge know so bang, it happened.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |
回复@JT-XI: i think they have very low SHENG CUN NENG LI, and reacted to emergencies badly.

来自 董天则 的新浪微博
发表于 2012-4-23 16:03:24 |

来自 高原Candleonly 的新浪微博
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